Tuesday, March 08, 2016

'prentice hand he made man, and then he made the lasses, ..

 So in the way people think of things, and how they react to circumstances, all of it very strange and in many ways tough, I suppose.  S was really trying to catch my attention and when I turned she smiled at me, like she decided I was okay.  So when that happens…means a lot.  So the fact of the matter, that E looked up at me from the keyboard after they said “one more!”.  Kind of emotional time for me, and that being where it is, we just don’t know the issues, how they came to be.  Maybe they have figured out how I became an subject of talk down in Berkeley.  It’s interesting how they could know anything about it, but Melanie saw Rebekah singing a song for me and looking happy (over the internet)  so that went over well.  Just finally after all this time, something was figured out to the positive, and how people can get along.
  So there is the plan somewhere, hard to implement at times because of the ways we get through, to find what we might be missing….a strange part and a strange ordeal, I would suppose.  So to get nervous about things, how those ideas might work, is a real light to the hope and ways we have known.
  So there’s not much to do today, or figure out that we would really know about.  Still, there’s something to it somewhere, some way through all of it.  Make the right choices and all that.

  The marijuana rationing is going okay, so that is what it is, and we can’t figure much out, get everything duly sorted somehow, and find maybe what we could elsewhere, become tired of the days and the weeks toward the world…we see and go through what we could, get an impression, get the sort we could figure out, go in the way we could, find the leadership issues, the hard ways of the world, the deal we can put together, and there is something there, and change we can figure it out, get through what we could, 
  Looking forward to growing some weed plants.

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