Saturday, October 06, 2007

pome penyeach

Sonnets to Orpheus I,1

a tree ascended there. Oh pure transcendence!
Oh Orpheus sings! O tall tree and an ant!
All grew hushed. But in that very silence
a new beginning, sign and change appeared.

Quiet creatures gathered from the clear.
unhurried forest, out of lair and nest;
so it must have been, their stealthiness..
was not born out of cunning or fear.

But just from hearing. Bellow, cry, and roar.
Seemed tiny in their hearts. And where before
There barely stood a hut to take this in...

a harvest of deepest darkest yens
and with entryway whose doorposts trembled
you built for them an auditory temple.


A God can do it. How do you expect
A man to squeeze through the lyre and follow?
His mind is torn. Where heartways intersect
You won't find any temple to Apollo

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