Wednesday, December 04, 2019

this dope ain't your dope

My room had a bare wood floor and a mattress. Leaves of Grass was sitting on the shelf. I had a portable electric typewriter. There were beans to eat in the kitchen, and I washed way too much spinach in the vegetarian kitchen. The kitchen manager came in and said "We'll figure out something to do with it." I think we were havingg spanikopita. There was a chifforobe with a Bose speaker/tape player on it. Per would come in and read my Rick Griffin art book. I listen to Regatta de Blanc and Workingman's Dead over and over and barely went to class. Phones plugged into the wall. Pacific Film Archive played excellent films and Mrs. Fields' was just down from there.
I ended up paying a ton of fines at Barrington for skipping workshifts.

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