Friday, January 25, 2008


Great-enough both accepts and subdues; the great frame takes all creatures;
From the greatness of their element they all take beauty.
Gulls; and the dingy freightship lurching south in the eye of a rain-wind;
The air-plane dipping over the hill; hawks hovering
The white grass of the headland; cormorants roosting upon the gauno-
Whitened skerries; pelicans awind; sea-slime
Shining at night in the wave-stir like drowned men's lanterns; smugglers signaling
A cargo to land; or the old Point Pinos lighthouse
Lawfully winking over dark water; the flight of the twilight herons,
Lonely wings and a cry; or with motor-vibrations
That hum in the rock like a new storm-tone of the oceans'
to turn eyes westward
The navy's new-bought Zeppelin going by in the twilight,
Far out seaward; relative only to the evening star and the ocean
It slides into a cloud over Point Lobos.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Books I'm reading or recently read

1.The Lay of the Land by Richard Ford: This is light reading. I basically read about 1/4 of each page. It is not great and lasting literature, but it held my interest.
2.Daniel Deronda by George Eliot. This is her last book. Eliot's style is complicated and rewarding. She can get deep into the mind and attitudes of her characters. The main character is kind of a shallow person, but despite that I still feel that there is a lot to it. Not done with it yet.
3.A Bend in the River by V.S. Naipaul. Naipaul is an Indian from Africa who lives in Trinidad. The book is about an Indian in Africa in the seventies, and the writing is good.
4.War and Peace. I quit after 500 pages. Tolstoi's high and mighty pronouncements were starting to get to me. Plus all the women just seem to wait around at soirees until somebody makes them an "offer." In other words, the attitude of Tolstoi toward women was also bothering me.

Friday, January 04, 2008

florida sunset


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